The Cosplay Drink and Draw, hosted by Momocon and held at the Distillery of Modern Art over in Chamblee, GA. A fun, casual gathering of cosplayers and artists, looking to enhance their craft in a fun twist on figure drawing.

I’d first heard of the Momocon Cosplay Drink and Draw through Facebook ads, and a couple of my colleagues had attended a past event. Curious of the challenge to draw clothed models, and eager to keep my figure drawing skills strong, I signed up for their August event. Admission was $25 with about 20 open spots if I recall correctly. It seemed the price had gone up for the event, however! This new ticket price did come with a drink provided by the bar. So I can’t really complain, haha. I got a La Vie en Rose from their seasonal menu, and it was quite tasty!
The Drink and Draw itself was a very casual atmosphere, hosted in the gallery section of the distillery with plenty of bar tables and chairs for artists to sit. Extra supplies were provided for anyone who needed them, I helped myself to a couple of paper sheets since I forgot to switch out my almost filled sketchbook. There were three models for our session, Sunlight of Astora, Rose Mary Maiden, and Diana Khostumer, all with impressive cosplays! With three planned drawing sessions and breaks in between, the idea was that our cosplayers would rotate and allow everyone a chance to draw each one. I didn’t realize this and ended up moving around the room myself during the first session, haha.

Overall, the plan was to have our models do longer poses, I heard “30 minutes” said several times. I didn’t keep close track on the time, but it did feel like these sessions were closer to 45 minute poses? And the entire event was 3 hours. Diana actually made the choice to do shorter poses during the first round to help her section of the room warm up, so I think the casual atmosphere allowed folks freedom. I enjoyed having the longer poses because it allowed more time to study our model’s clothes, but I did worry a little if they were getting warm in their cosplays! It seemed I wasn’t the only one with this concern, because one of our hosts went around fanning them to help keep them cool.
I had a lot of fun! We got to chat with our models about cosplay and conventions we liked going to around town. Artists were happy to share their sketches during the breaks and exchange Instagram handles. I think I’ll definitely like to come out to the next one, and maybe bring some friends too!

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